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Vacuum Excavating Services in Portland, PA

Do you need vacuum excavating professionals for an upcoming project? At Tellus Underground Technology, we serve the North Eastern United States with high-quality vacuum excavating systems.  Based in Portland, PA, our staff proudly serves the surrounding regions. As vacuum excavating has its risks, Tellus Underground Technology is dedicated to making contracting jobs easier, safer, and more efficient with our solutions. We take every measure to keep contractors safe on the job site with our vacuum excavation systems. 

All Tellus vacuum excavation trucks employ advanced technology that gives the operator the ability to excavate with either high-pressure water or compressed air. We can help determine the ideal equipment for the job site to make the process seamless. We are committed to providing our customers with courteous and efficient service. Look to us for your vacuum excavation services. Contact Tellus Underground Technology to learn more about how our vacuum excavating solutions can improve your work operations.

Advantages of vacuum excavation: 

  • The utility receives no damage 

  • Efficient for all utilities, including gas, water, power, and more

  • A small hole used in the process is standard. The hole measures only twelve inches by twelve inches.

  • A safer, cleaner, and more efficient worksite

  • Quieter and less disruptive option

  • A cost-effective approach to exposing a utility 



Powerful lightweight designs with

4-wheel drive capabilities.


We have more than 25 years of experience in the design of tooling and processes for the gas distribution utility industry.



Want to Learn More? Contact Us Here.

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